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Life Insurance Sunshine Coast

Life Insurance & Income Protection Sunshine Coast


Have you ever looked at your insurance plan and wondered, ‘what does this

actually cover me for?’ Take a quick peek below to see what each type of policy



Put simply, this one pays your loved ones when you’re no longer around. It will also generally pay immediately

if you are diagnosed as being terminally ill with less than 12 months to live. Life insurance policies usually

include an advance payment for funerals so you may be able to cancel a more expensive funeral plan if you

have one.

For more information on how Insurance Works can help you with Life Insurance click here >


This policy kicks in with a monthly benefit paid direct to your bank account if you are unable to work due to

accident or illness. You can insure up to 75% of your income and you choose the benefit period (2 years, 5

years or to age 65/70) and the waiting period (generally 30 days, can choose payment from day one for

accident claims and have a 30 day wait for sickness).

For more information Insurance Works can help you with Insurance Protection click here >


Cancer has probably touched everyone’s life in one way or another. This type of cover is designed to help

meet medical costs and alleviate other financial stress (like paying your mortgage, replacing lost income) so

you can focus on getting better. The cover is not only for cancer, but heart attack, stroke and many other

events as well. There are generally between 30-40 listed events, depending on the insurer and also whether

you have basic or comprehensive cover.

For more information on how Insurance Works can help you with Trauma Protection click here >


This policy pays a lump sum if a doctor says you are unlikely to ever be able to work again, and will be paid in

conjunction with Income Protection payments if you hold both covers. This can be for many different reasons,

like degenerative illnesses or major accidents.


There are 3 different definitions – Own occupation (easiest to claim on), any occupation, or modified definition

(hardest to claim on). There is one company who offers a policy which allows for full and also partial claims,

and no definition is applicable as it captures all. The definitions available to you depend on your occupation.

For information on how Insurance Works can help you with Disability Cover click here >


Too often left in the ‘Too hard’ basket – this is your best and most tax effective way to ensure your retirement

options are left wide open to do all the fun things you should be doing, instead of figuring out how to pay your

bills! Let us map out a simple, easy to follow strategy now, so you can reap the rewards later.


We offer superannuation consolidation, risk profiling, pension planning and strategic goal mapping to get you

looking forward to fabulous foodie trips to Spain, or sailing across the Caribbean in your golden years.

For more information on Superannuation Planning with Insurance Works click here >

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