InsuranceWorks | What is the difference between general liability and professional liability?
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Liability Insurance Sunshine Coast

General vs Professional Liability

General liability and professional liability insurances are both designed to protect against accidental physical and financial business liabilities. They both pay your expenses if you are sued: legal expenses, court costs and settlements. However, a general liability policy may be endorsed to include partial or full professional liability coverage.

Safeguard your business against liability claims

General liability insurance, which is also called business liability insurance, covers damages resulting from physical injury and damage to property. However, it is not the same as property insurance. Policies include premises liability and often products liability too, and may also cover claims for false advertising — copyright infringement, slander or libel.

Professional liability insurance covers you when a client is unhappy with your work because they feel they’ve suffered a loss

Professional liability insurance, often called Errors and Omissions insurance, protects against negligence in professional services and advice, usually in terms of financial loss. Medical professional liability insurance, also known as medical malpractice insurance, covers doctors, dentists, nurses and health care professionals generally. Anyone running their own business needs to have professional liability insurance as well as an in-home business or business owners policy. Many clients expect their IT consultants and contractors to have their own minimum level of professional liability insurance coverage.

Endless questions to agonize over

What might your level of risk and exposure be? What kind of accidents could occur? Do you require a minimum level of cover? What might the potential cost of a claim be? Should you buy a Commercial Package Policy? What does ‘retention’ mean?

Just ask your broker!

InsuranceWorks is a respected family owned business that has been established on the Sunshine Coast for over 25 years. We deal with most Australian Life companies and banks and we have long-term relationships with our clients — that means from generation to generation. InsuranceWorks knows how important it is to have a supportive, trustworthy, considerate insurance broker nearby with a strong track record of financial viability to help you through all the complications, complexities and jargon of insurance. InsuranceWorks talks in real terms — and we look for sensible, affordable, realistic solutions to all your insurance requirements. No more sleepless nights — make an appointment or drop in to see us today.

InsuranceWorks – Liability Insurance Brokers Sunshine Coast

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