InsuranceWorks | Emerald
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Insurance Brokers Emerald

InsuranceWorks – Health & Income Insurance Brokers in Emerald QLD.

insurance brokers emerald qld - superannuation - health insurance emerald qld - trauma and disability, income protection

It was the lush green pastures after it had rained that gave Emerald its name, and not anything to do with the Capricorn hinterland, which contains the largest sapphire gem fields in the world.

Founded in 1987, the Emerald Botanic Gardens are 42 hectares of playgrounds, picnic facilities and trails

Emerald is a prosperous rural service centre. The town was originally established in 1879 as the base for the railway line, but it did not really grow until a hundred years later, when it became a dormitory town for the important new coal mines in the Bowen Basin. Now Emerald has businesses selling farm machinery, a rural training college, a large irrigation dam and an airport, and it is the regional centre of the Central Highlands and the gateway to the Central Western district which produces cotton, grapes, citrus and grain — particularly sorghum — as well as coal mining.

Minister for Primary Industries and Fisheries
The Honourable Tim Mulherin said “Citrus canker has had a crippling effect on Emerald citrus growers, associated businesses and the Emerald community since it was first detected in June 2004.”

When the very prosperous and successful Emerald citrus industry was struck by canker in 2004, over half a million trees had to be chopped down. The canker was initially found on only one farm, but every citrus tree within a 50-kilometres radius had to be destroyed. The trees could not be replanted for two years, and it was almost five years before Emerald could officially be declared free of citrus canker.

Insurance can keep one disaster from causing another

You just never know what is waiting for you around the corner. Be sensible. Be prepared. Have a good insurance broker you can trust, and insure yourself and your loved ones against the unpredictability of life. There is always a banana skin waiting for you to slip on, but if you take the right precautions you can deal with the consequences.

David Woolgrove doesn’t just sell insurance, he sells what insurance can do

InsuranceWorks exists to protect you and your family against the feared and the unexpected. Over almost 30 years, InsuranceWorks has helped thousands of clients all over Queensland, because the Woolgroves believe in planning for the people you love and looking after them in all circumstances.

Never forget that you can still take care of your loved ones, even after you are gone.


Superannuation – Income Protection – Health & Disability Insurance Brokers Emerald QLD